Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Do You Have The Courage To Be Rich - Part 3

If you& 39;re reading this and you & 39; n have not made your first, May you try to justify why it & 39; does not apply to you. Sorry, no hunting dog. It does & 39; applies to you if you want to become rich. All the successes of & 39; real estate millionaire began with the first case. You do & 39; n is not & 39; n different.
If you have not made a number yet, there are only a handful of reasons:
1. You are brand new! Ok, this excuse is good only for about a month. 2. & 39; N You have not been trained! Why not? You know that we can solve this problem as soon as you say. L & 39; judgement that you? 3. Is this the & 39; money? Bull & 39; n I& 39;ve not had a & 39; n and not thousands of my students more successful. 4. Is it time? Baloney! What do you do that is more important? Making a lifetime. Well, we need peons. They keep Wal-Mart in the business world. If you think that & 39; education is expensive, try ignorance & 39;. 5. You& 39;re d & 39; try, but nothing seems to happen! So what do you screw your company and if you do not think the problem is you grow up and accept the fact that everything that happens to you is your fault.
There are only 5 stages of your success, during which are failing you! Locating pre Outlook construction and & 39; offers current monitoring Sell Quickly
Most people who are dealing with suspects, not prospects and do not really know how to make a difference. & 39; C is very easy to do, but I can not do so in a bulletin d & 39; information. Another big mistake is not having enough prospects. C & 39; is impossible if you work the yellow letter correctly, (few do). Getting leads is easy. Getting good leads is more difficult because you have to kiss a lot of frogs and good or leads a minority. Most sellers are a waste of your time. Gosh, there are a revelation. You can not deal with everyone. All businesses require no pre-and companies can treat all suspects, he won. So why on earth is it such a shock for beginners to understand all people living with a house for sale are worthy of your time? Then, of course, there is another problem that is lurking in the shadow of some & 39; (too much) of my well-intentioned, students most deserving
Locating prospects, and pre-construction d & 39; led a stack two feet deep will not replace a lack of guts.
Do you have the courage to be rich & 39;?
If, it is time to get off your ass and get a little difficult to & 39; comfortable for a short time so that you can live comfortably the rest of your life.
A handle your results are good business and you know. You& 39;re looking for them, or & 39; excuses not to take contact? So although evil, we must gather the courage & 39; call these vendors and when you do, you& 39;ll discover They need you more than you need. They are easy to talk to and look forward to your call. They will do almost anything you asked most of the time. They are more afraid of you, you d & 39; between them. They expect you to make a profit when you buy their house and they are not care.
To get d & 39; excel courage you need cash. For cash flow you need flow of transactions. To get the flow & 39; business, you must follow the 5 steps, fix what you break, quit whining about the little things and take the & 39; game.
To get in the game and win, you need all the training you can get quickly and convert it to traffic. A little movement is better than a boatload of meditation. L & 39; last year, and they are extremely profitable year for our students who chose to play the game. Gains were enormous as evidenced by their letters, & 39; others are on this site and the Wall of Fame Global Publishing is crowded. I see a very clear l & 39; next year for those who have a bit of courage who want to be rich. C & 39; is a great moment, & 39; s & 39; included in the company. Do not lose on mediocrity. Dare To Be Great!
May all your kids have rich parents (very rich).
For additional information on & 39; d & 39; real estate investment and the warmth of foreclosure, I recommend the accession & 39; Legrand Ron Millionaire Maker Letter d & 39; information http:/ / www.MillionaireMakerNewsletter.com. The letter d & 39; information itself is loaded with a lot of advice and resources, and it is generally far to give something free, like a CD or something that has generally a large quantity of & 39; information on this subject.

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Monday, April 28, 2008

What Is Affiliate Marketing and Is It For Me?

Affiliate marketing can be defined as a widespread method of promotion in which an affiliate is rewarded for every view, sale, and/or registration produced through the affiliate s efforts (depending on the type of affiliate program).
It s similar to collecting commissions as a typcial salesperson would. The more the affiliate sells... the more the affiliate gets paid. It s as simple as that!
Compensation calculations vary but are typcially based on one of the following:
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) - a specific amount is paid for each visiter the affiliate sends
Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) - where the affiliate is paid for registrations or sign-ups
Pay-Per-Sale (PPS) - a specific commission per sale is paid to the affiliate
If your goal is to generate your entire income online you can drive traffic from your subscriber lists, your websites, and from other marketing methods to affiliate links.
What About Product Sales and Marketing?
You ll want to watch for great products and services with the potential to benefit your niche market and your mailing lists. To build trust and income, it s best to recommend only those products that will be of specific interest to them. It s a win-win situation for everyone that way.
When an affiliate is marketing any product, the cost of marketing the product is absorbed by the affiliate, so it s important to keep that cost in mind when promoting products. Typically the higher the percentage of affiliate commissions possible from any quality product, the more that product is worth promoting.
When a product is sold through the affiliate s personal link, depending on the service used, the total sale is divided up among the vendor, the affiliate, the taxing authority, the shipper (if any), and the payment processor.
It is common and expected that all affiliate details be spelled out in the affiliate sign-up process. However, you shouldn t be afraid to contact any vendor to clarify their affiliate program if you have questions. Often you can telephone or email for a fast reply. If they are not willing to answer your questions then you should stay away from them. There are plenty of other quality affiliates programs that would love to have you!
Is a Digital Lifestyle for Me?
Many standard retailers offer very small commissions for affiliate sales while most internet marketers offer around 50%-75% of the sale for being an affiliate of their digitial product. This is why being an affiliate of digital products can be very lucrative in a relatively short period of time.
Although the number of affiliate programs for tangible goods and off-line services is rising, a completely digital lifestyle can be developed solely from digital or downloadable affiliate products that may never take physical form.
Of course it s important to note that as an affiliate of any tangible product, you generally never do more than promote a link to the product online. So in that sense it s basically the same as a digital product.
One of the best places to find digital products to affiliate with is ClickBank.com. They have an automatic affiliate program built into their payment processing service so that affiliate payments are not left up to the product owner to process.
Three other good affiliate programs to check into are:
CJ.com (Commission Junction) Amazon.com LinkShare.com
Staying with reputable, well-known internet vendors makes a great deal of sense because you know you will get paid, you know when to expect a check or bank deposit, and you can see your account details online at any time. Plus, if you do have a problem they are more than willing to take care of it.
How Do I Get Started?
There are many ways to start with affiliate marketing, but a basic starting point is to have a web site with text or image affiliate links to products you want to promote. Generally you want to stay focused within a niche or interest group to increase your sales potential. In other words, you don t want to have many different affiliate links to variety of completely different markets on your website. Stick to a similar theme.
If you have used the products, your promotional efforts could include a product review based on your own experience along with images and other supporting information.
Developing an email opt-in list is helpful in affiliate marketing because it gives you the opportunity to find the products and information with the most potential benefit for a group of like-minded individuals (your subscribers) and tell them about it. A targeted list of subscribers, that you have built a good relationship with could be worth thousands of dollars over time.
By promoting affiliate products to several targeted niche markets, it is possible to create a substantial income over time. Especially when the affiliate marketer is only promoting quality products with a real potential to benefit customers within the niche.
In conclusion, affiliate marketing is a great way to build an income without having a product of your own, and without having to do much more than get interested people to view product information through your affiliate links. It s very easy to get started and can eventually put a lot of money in your pocket. But be prepared to put in a lot of time and effort. Making money online through affiliate programs is not easy. If it was everyone would be rich.
About the author:
Trent Brownrigg is a successful affiliate marketer and home business consultant. Find the best home based business at http://www.work-at-home-jobs-iowa.com and he will personally help you succeed.
Find the top ten best affiliate programs at http://www.work-at-home-jobs-iowa.com/top 10.html
Get your FREE Biz Tips Newsletter by sending a blank email to: workathomebiz@aweber.com
Copyright Trent Brownrigg http://www.home-business-team.com
Permission is granted to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way (grammatical corrections accepted).

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Friday, April 18, 2008

The Seven Signs of a Scam

It s a shame that there are so many people out there trying to rip off the work-at-home job seeker. It s even more disheartening to see them targeting the stay-at-home mom, the retiree, and the disabled. But the fact remains; they re out there trying to capitalize on your desire to stay home and earn an income. And they re making good money while they re at it, because there s no shortage of people who want so badly to believe their claims of easy income and instant wealth.

So how are we supposed to separate the scams from the real jobs? The legitimate business opportunities from the schemes?

Your number one guide should always be your common sense (why would a lawyer in South Africa select you to handle his billion dollar account, I mean let s be honest!). There are always warning signs, and here are the top seven.

1. Advertisements for "envelope stuffing", "mail processors" and "home typists".

In all my experience in online recruiting, I have never come across a legitimate job for an envelope stuffer. Nor have I ever, in my life, met someone who was an envelope stuffer. (And could you really say with any measure of pride that you are a professional envelope stuffer?)

These advertisements are always the same. They charge you a certain amount of money so that they can send you detailed instructions of how to advertise for envelope stuffers. You re selling the very same packet that you just paid 30 bucks for, but you only get $3. There s no product, just their self-perpetuating ads to sell more $30 packets.

Home Typists? What company needs 5,000 home typists? If a company needs some typing done, they re not going to advertise it on the internet where they re going to get 10,000 replies. They re going to hire an administrative assistant who can type a report and hand it to them- while greeting clients and answering the phones.

That s not to say that there aren t legitimate Data Entry jobs available. Companies often find a need for specialized skills that can be done by a freelancer on a contract basis. Some examples would be database work, research projects and seasonal billing needs. But the key is that they involve a specialized skill that their existing employees don t have.

2. They re asking for a fee.

If it s supposed to be a job, how on earth do they justify charging a fee? I ve seen ads that say, "We have to charge a fee to make sure that you re serious". Why don t they just post their job on E-Bay and give it to the highest bidder? Imagine going for an interview and the employer says, "Have a seat. Now, before we get started, I m going to need $39.95 from you. We have to make sure you re serious." Would you pay them? Of course not! So why would you pay someone who is claiming to be hiring just because it s on the internet?

Now, a business opportunity is different. You have to expect start-up costs for any business- but that s a story for another day...

3. Job listings with typos and ALL CAPS.

These telltale signs should raise a flag right away. Do you really want to work for someone who can t spell?

4. The job description says, "no skills or experience necessary!"

Really? Why not just have their kids do the job for 50 cents an hour? Managing remote employees is extremely challenging. Employers who hire and supervise telecommuters want highly skilled, experienced employees that they can trust. They have to be confident that they can perform their jobs with little or no supervision. This is why most telecommuters are required to work on-site for a certain period of time before they re allowed to work from home.

5. Vague or non-existing job description.

The more vague a job listing is, the more likely it is to be a scam. There s nothing more aggravating to a recruiter than getting bombarded by resumes from unqualified candidates. This is why most legitimate job listings read like a novel. They want to be sure that only the ones that meet their criteria respond.

This leads me to an important bit of advice for telecommute job seekers. Never, ever respond to a job listings that you are not fully qualified for. I spend a lot of time recruiting companies that have telecommute policies to post at my site. Many of them are reluctant to post their listings online because they are inundated with responses from people who aren t remotely qualified. It gives all of us a bad reputation and cuts down on the number of jobs that are advertised. I just can t stress enough how important this is.

6. No contact information.

If you can t reach someone to ask a question, or ask for a reference, then there s something wrong. A real employer wants to get the position filled, and if you are qualified, they want to convince you to work for them. You should be able to reach them (or someone in their company at least) directly.

And the number one sign of a scam:.

7. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

A case in point: A company posted a job listing for U.S. Representatives. Seems they needed people to accept shipments of computers and electronics and then ship them to international destinations. They were offering an outrageously high salary and reimbursement for shipping. They allegedly had offices in the United States, so why would they need John Smith in Hoboken, New Jersey to handle their shipping? Sounds fishy, right? It was. They had people ship the computers all right, but never paid them.

Many people rely on the website that carries the listing to screen out fraudulent listings, but the truth is that most of them don t have the resources to screen every post. In fact, most sites carry a disclaimer stating that it is the job seeker s responsibility to screen potential employers.

The bottom line is that you should let common sense be your guide. If something seems not quite right, don t bother. At the very least, check out any company thoroughly before making any commitment.

Below are some excellent resources:

ScamWatch http://www.scamwatch.com/

ScamBusters http://www.scambusters.org/

The Better Business Bureau http://www.bbb.org/

The Federal Trade Commission http://www.ftc.gov/

Sharon Davis. When she is not researching scams, she is the owner of 2Work-At-Home.Com, WorkAtHomeArticles.net and the Editor of the site s monthly ezine, America s Home. In her spare time she reminisces about what it was like to have spare time. List of other articles of interest: http://www.2work-at-home.com/freecontent.shtml Subscribe: http://www.2work-at-home.com/subscribe.shtml

This article may be reproduced providing it is published in it s entirety, including the author s bio. For a text version via autoresponder, send a blank email to sevensigns@sendfree.com

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Debt refers to borrowing by a government from within the country or from abroad, from private individuals or association of individuals or from banking and non-banking financial institutions. Debt is of three types: internal and external, productive and unproductive, short-term and long-term.Internal debt is raised from within the country and external debt is owed to foreigners or foreign governments or institutions. The productive debt is expected to create assets, which will yield income sufficient to pay the principal and interest on the loan. In other words, they are expected to pay their way; they are self-liquidating. On the other hand, loans raised for war do not create any assets; they are a dead weight and are regarded as unproductive. Short-term loans are repayable after short interval of time. They are intended to bridge the gap temporarily between current revenue and current expenditure. It is called floating debt. Long-term loans are payable after a long time covering several years. They are also called funded debt.Borrowing by a public authority is a modern practice. In the past, whenever there was an emergency, usually a war, the monarch relied on hoarded wealth or borrowed on his own personal credit. Books of history abound with instances of fabulous hoards and accounts of sacks of hoarded wealth either from the king s treasuries or from temples and churches. But this method of finance is not suited to modern conditions. It is inadequate and uneconomical. The increase in debt also occurs due to fairly frequent budget deficits on current accounts. The deficits arise from the necessity of maintaining full economic activity in economies which may have ceased to expand. Increase in debt is also due to the undertaking of welfare schemes by governments in modern times. In public utilities, where there is no conventional profit check, no tight control over costs can be maintained and there are more losses than gains. They also add to the weight of public debt.Debt Consolidation provides detailed information on Debt, Debt Consolidation, Debt Help, Credit Card Debt and more. Debt Consolidation is affiliated with Debt Collection Agencies.

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