Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Decorating Your Teenager s Bedroom

Decorating the kitchen, bathroom, or living room is one thing, but when it comes to decorating a child s room it can prove to be much more difficult. After all, it seems like every other day a child is into the next "in thing" so choosing a design that he/she will be happy with for more than just a few weeks can be a bit of a task!
Decorating a teenager s room is also different than decorating a child s room, as teenagers often want to be treated like adults. It is a good idea to allow your teenager to come up with a theme for their room so that they can express who they are, rather than have to put up with something you d prefer. This can include choosing the colors of the room, although you may want to discuss this with them incase they choose an overwhelming dark tone!
It often does not require a complete redesign of a child s room in order to make it look nice. Using wooden or colored blinds is a good alternative to curtains, place a rug on the floor in the room, change the color of bed linens, and replacing the headboard rather than the complete bed are just a few things to consider.
Rearranging furniture is also a very easy way to change the look of a room that can have a big affect. If a child is bored of the way their room looks it is very easy to move the bed, wardrobe, and cabinets around to give it a fresh feel. If you plan on using rugs you could also consider taking away the old carpet and leaving the wooden floorboards in place, rather than spending out on a new carpet. In addition to saving a lot of money, wooden floors can often be made to look a lot nicer.
Small accessories such as beading and fringe are another cheap way to change the look of various items. For example you could place it along the edge of shelves, lampshades, and hems of curtains to give a completely new look.
One of the best ways to change the feel of a room is by paying attention to the lighting. By using lamps around the room certain furniture and areas can be hidden or highlighted to show off a particular area. Dimmer switches are also good for bedrooms as the level of light can then be controlled. For more home improvement articles head over to http://qwikezine.com.

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